Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Softul -2006: Girls, jeeps and Stands

Recently dawned very busy - ISDEF, seminars and much more interesting and, therefore, to write on Fridays does not manage to. But - the material is chosen splendid, such pretzels have come across shoals of the pen is trembling with impatience, they perpetuate the. Well, little by little we enter into a rhythm, and so far - article about Softul, co-written with Konstantin Kurbatov, but not included in the CT:.

The girls, jeeps and Stands.

Exhibition in Moscow ended. Softool. 2006.

In the distant 90s Softul modestly sat out on the sidelines of his older brother, ... A few years ago, IT professionals Softul called ...

Level up.

In this exhibition presented all relevant players as some of the IT market, ranging from monsters such as IBM and ending with ... ), Which is leased by clubbing a large stand at the beginning of the exhibition.

In general, the scale of the exhibition has grown in comparison with the previous year. It is seen that companies have become much more seriously in the Softulu - talking about it and the quality of design of stands, and numerous shows that many companies used in the exhibition.

Trophy Stand.

The most common ad - enticing events at the show included, of course, show girls. Companies richer, like Abb. y. y and the Euphrates, have hired a very nice ladies, almost stripped, painted logos and sent cruising through the ranks to undermine the IT companies in serious talks. Companies hired poorer persons are much less cute and also sent them - to intimidate rivals, or what?.

These show launched at the exhibition of 1C and Ansoft: 1C on the stand was a UAZ, which is constantly on the hood lay the leggy beauty ( telefonchik strongly prevented ), and were installed in the trunk with a new computer game ... Looking like a dashing blond bog iron to ... In addition to traveling in a jeep around the computers were benches for testing games for gamers who always sat.

In Ansoft show was aimed at more serious people - a huge stand of the two servers, computers and dozens of pairs of the print stations to imitate the work of a large enterprise under the control of Ansoft. Avarda. Stand properly blinking windows, graphs, and spitting the paper as a machine gun, and looked around as everyone knows, ... All this is very attracted visitors: they stared at the miracle of technology and willingly photographed in the background.

Unfortunately, the girls were not up there, so leisured people on stand by flowed Ansoft located next to the common stand Linuxoidov.

Open Source.

Almost all Linux evoked strong interest among the visitors and there is always crowded, which is like hot cakes bought scarves Linux is 600 rubles, and of course, Linux- penguins and FreeBSD imps.

Linux distributions are also sold out with a bang, especially after the events at the stand of IBM, where he talked about free software - Linux, Eclipse, etc.

In general, Open Source has been one of the hottest topics of the exhibition. 1C presents its new system based on free PostgreSQL, Ansoft promoted Firebird, IBM and Novell's Open Source presented their wards.

CAD -Expo.

The second floor has traditionally exhibited a company producing a variety of CAD systems and technology packages. Of course, there was much quieter, and visitors were much more rare. However, this market is very conservative, and in the number of players out there all the same faces and names: everliving Auto. C. ad, Intermeh, SPRUT and other.

Field of Dreams.

From the second or third day, many companies felt the lack of interest in its stand, run contests with the distribution of licenses and copies, but the people did not show them enough attention.

This cow is needed most.

A few words about the worth of strange promotions. For example, right at the entrance to the exhibition hung a huge banner advertising the CRM AVA, but the stand was almost empty - a feeling that the entire budget went to the panel.

Many exhibitors frankly bored sitting on chairs and staring at the girls from Abb. y. y, not even trying to attract someone else.

Especially remember the bearded man who was sleeping on a bench (we will not call the name of the company for ethical reasons). In principle, the melodic pohrapyvanie attracted and entertained visitors, and a number of mischievous little girl running around with leaflets - interestingly, all by design, or she just enjoyed the moment?.

Whatever it was, the difference between companies that are actively attracted visitors, and those who are just waiting for his mega - booth area just under a half square feet will appreciate the potential buyers could see at a glance. It is hoped that the next time we will see more active.

So, if briefly - Softul lives and develop positive. In our rapidly growing sector of the exhibition, perhaps, one of the only places where you can chat live, and the atmosphere of the exhibition is ideal for networking and establishing new promising contacts and find buyers and suppliers.

A few words about the organization of the exhibition.

Well, what a show without organizational failures? . Companies that have brought a lot of panels and computers, lost heavily to his neighbors, who stocked the traditional paper banners, as the screens were gray and empty, but before the banners are constantly crowded.

Internet. Internet access was terrible, and this, of course, very sad. Moreover, someone he had not spent (especially those who did not insist on solving this problem ). The organizers of the exhibition is a very serious consideration to address this problem, as a disgrace to the largest IT exhibition does not have a decent internet access.

Power was organized on a pretty average. If your needs do not extend beyond coffee and a sandwich, it was possible to specifically and not to worry, but the dinner was already a problem more tightly.

Well, that solved the problems with the toilets - from almost anywhere in the exhibition can be seen with a pointer to the direction of the cherished, and the very institution was at a good level.

Of course, maybe you should not write about such trifles, but I want to remind the organizers that the exhibition - is an event for people, not a solid earning money on every chihe careless visitors and participants.

But be that as it may be - all at Softul 2007! .

Monday, June 4, 2012

Friday abstinence


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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Making the satellite, which subject to choose?

On the same page -. 10. trading positions.

Hi-end - 17 pages.
MP3 - 14 pages,.
Auto - 244 pages.
Banks - 12 pages.
Security - 19 pages.
Free - 11 pages.
Blogs - 56 pages.
Accounting - 11 pages. ,.
Cities and regions - 74 pages.
The State - 16 pages.
Home and Family - 137 pages.
Meet and chat - 35 pages.
Games - 91 pages,.
Internet - 234 pages.
Movie - 53 pages.
Computers - 93 pages.
Consulting - 27 pages.
Art and Culture - 74 pages.
Literature - 87 pages.
Furniture - 49 pages.
Medical - 135 pages.
Music - 99 pages.
Science and technology - 58 pages.
Real Estate - 100 pages.
Unknown - 30 pages.
News and Media - 89 pages.
Education - 107 pages.
Society - 45 pages.
Personal pages - 23 pages.
Weather - 3 pages.
Politics - 11 pages.
Political parties - one page.
Businesses - 48 pages.
Industry - 68 pages.
Travel - 266 pages.
Work - 42 pages.
Entertainment - 133 pages.
Advertising - 71 pages.
Adult sites - 24 pages.
Communication - 66 pages.
Software - 59 pages.
Sport - 90 pages.
Help - 30 pages.
Insurance - 8 pages. ,.
Construction - 245 pages.
Television - 5 pages. ,.
Goods and services - 434 pages.
Finance - 88 pages.
Flora and fauna - 50 pages.
Photos - 35 pages.
Web Hosting - 24 pages.
Comedy - 27 pages.

No comments. ).
Although, IMHO, are the best theme for today -. insurance. and. accounting. If we compare the calculations with the rates of sap in the direct.