Wednesday, May 30, 2012

young bloggers

The promised announcement, punctuation and spelling retained authors:.

Blog from the edge of the Internet.
He is still very young. Supported by the subject - about life in the blogosphere, about.
people in the blogosphere.
In general, I am interested in any development process, and in his blog, I want to.
chat with bloggers about the development of society and the blogosphere.
http://na-okraine. blogspot. com /.

Once I was loser. Education, work- comp - study -work- comp. No achievements, no emotion.
And then I got bored. I wanted to change something. And changing.
I write on different topics: how to earn, and how to spend, on the law and legislation; about business and finance, and on the layfhakah fakapah. Come, I'll be glad you.
http://luzeroff. blogspot. com.

Oh Yeah! .
This blog is not about self-realization,.
Not the CEO or a global hoax.
I write articles on monetization.
So if there's a chance -.
Take in the rotation, and of.
Of course do not forget to sign up.
http://ohyeahmoneymaking. blogspot. com.

hell of business.
Programmer muddies the case without a penny in your pocket. Well, I estesno - Programmer, call.
their business hell, because it is! .
and the experience of getting more than money) at times. What is my car!.
which is still in the garage without moving costs ).
http://onlybiz. ru.

Creative Internet.
Consider the Internet as a means for creative self-realization. Websites, SEO, psychology, philosophy, marketing - and what do you do? .
http://apachai. ru.

My blog - perspective on life, business, internet, and their work.
Different for me, interestingness can be interesting for other people.
Sometimes reveal the secrets of the designer -customer relationship or look through the eyes of a marketer, how to conduct business more. Usually a lot of letters, lots of emotion. There are so many emotions that run from the tape pants when he saw a terrible four-letter word!.
http://samsebedesigner. blogspot. com.

Something with something.
I began working online, the new blog as an article.
http://mants. ru.

Support youth transitions and possible subscription. The guys are trying to.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The new beta version of Google Chrome: Taxpayers and advanced features to protect the confidentiality

If you are on the Internet, for example, try to look. Arab TV quiz. , to meet. with the latest Korean mobile gadgets. or search. first-hand information. travel to Machu Picchu, you will see that the Internet -. multilingual environment. Google Chrome team is pleased to offer you a new beta feature, designed to overcome language barriers Online. it. instant machine translation. Web pages that does not require installing extensions or plug-ins for web browsers.

How does it work? . language settings. , Google Chrome will display a message asking to translate the page using. Google Translate.

To get acquainted with the work function of auto-translation, look at the video of one of the developers of the function, Jay Sewell.

For more information on auto-translation in Google Chrome is available in. References section. We hope that the appearance of this feature will provide a simple, versatile and easy access to the entire volume of accumulated information in the world. Just imagine that you can read a lot of foreign news publications in their. native language. As well as easy to do online business, stepping over the boundaries and language barriers.

We are pleased to announce that our beta release, we will also implement other features that will give you more choices and help you control the level of protection of privacy when using the Internet. We understand that many users concerned about privacy issues in Web browsers, and therefore prepared a short video on this topic.

Google Chrome supports. incognito. , Which allows you to view Web pages without leaving any traces of visits or downloads on your computer history. In addition, you can now control the privacy settings in the new block ... These settings allow you to manage files, cookie, images, scripts, JavaScript, plug-ins and pop-ups for each site. For example, you can set rules to allow a cookie is stored only for sites you trust, and to block cookie files from untrusted sites.

you can. become acquainted. with these features more or watch videos that explain the principles of privacy protection in the various functions of Google Chrome, including the. Search and proposed options. ,. support for cookie files. in the browser. Safe Browsing technology. And. Automatic security updates.

Friday's question

I missed unbanal issues and offer them to you to ask. Trolling is ignored, the very length of the issue shall be packed in 140 characters. The question should not be a rhetorical. The questions that I 've been asked in numerous interviews fly by. Subjects either, but still keep yourself in the hands of.

The best questions will be answered today. Three of the best questions will then be flown to the club invites. The best gets prepayd 300 rubles kazapa. ru, the other two - for $ 100.

And it's not an interview, and contest, so the answers are only subjectively best questions. So do not write something in the expectation that I would say, try to win the competition. I think it is important that people know how to ask the right questions, not only to provide answers. Good luck to all!.

During Friday decided to encourage investment Bournisien, and for a discount decided to give a girl - Anna Volkova. For the prizes can be approached in the mail or ICQ.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A new book by Elena Lipatova ' tree - Alenka '

Census of.
Natalia Volkova.

Just published a new book by Helen Lipatova ' tree - Alenka '. She went too soon, it's a Christmas story in verse! . I thought that it was written just as easily! .

' I drew a wonderful book artist Catherine Costin - Vaschinskaya. Tree - Alenka - my favorite child! . And the idea of a Christmas tree, which ran away, came to me many years ago when I still lived in Russia. I was then led into a literary school of creative studio for the second graders, and invited children to come up with one funny problem - history. She wrote on the blackboard an arithmetical example: ... Then I heard a lot fun, but remember ( for many years!) Only one thing: ... one ran away. ...

more ».

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Inhabited Island

We noticed that in movies there is little product Bondarchuk placement'a? .

Friday, May 4, 2012


If you want to protect themselves during outdoor activities or travel, then read the brief podborochkoy potentially dangerous to the human organism of plants and animals.

death cup. - Destroying Angel. The first physical signs of intoxication are usually - nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. After feeling a little discomfort there is a sharp stomach pain, vomiting, intense thirst, and cyanosis of the extremities, and the yellowness of the eyes and skin as liver damage. The patient remains conscious almost to the end, with brief intervals of unconsciousness, then coma and death.

Fish -Dog. (Pufferfish). Poison tetraodontoxin, located in the ovaries of the fish and is not destroyed by heat treatment. If poisoning is difficult speech, and rapidly developing respiratory system paralysis, followed by paralysis of the central nervous system. Cause of death - usually seizures or respiratory arrest, which occur within one - two hours after getting the poison into the body.

palmcrist. - Castor Beans. Symptoms of poisoning - bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, drowsiness, cyanosis, stupor, impaired microcirculation, blood in urine, eventually coma and death; toxic agent, even at low concentrations causes a dissolution of red blood cells, develop in severe cases of hemorrhage around the . Castor can also lead to premature delivery in pregnant women. An autopsy patients who died from poisoning castor-oil plant, show that the vomiting and stools contain blood.

belladonna. All parts of plant are poisonous, deadly, especially the roots, leaves and berries.

The poison paralyzes the parasympathetic nervous system by blocking the nerve endings.
Symptoms of lung toxicity ( appearing in 10-20 minutes): dryness and burning in the mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing and speech, heart palpitations (tachycardia). The voice becomes hoarse. Pupils dilated, not reacting to light. Disturbed near vision. Photophobia, flashing before the eyes of flies. Dryness and redness of the skin. Arousal, and sometimes delusions and hallucinations.

hemlock. Symptoms of poisoning - the gradual loss of coordination, followed by a rapid and weak pulse, muscle bolv, as they will atrophy and eventually die. While the mind remains clear, the vision is often worse, until the victim dies as a result of paralysis of the lungs. It is believed that the juice of this plant is, not hemlock, as previously thought, Socrates was poisoned.

Cobra venom. has mainly neurotoxic action. His power is enough to cause the death of a person after the first bite of a full-fledged. In such cases, the death rate may exceed 75 percent. However, with all the features of the behavior of the king cobra, in general, only 10 percent of bites are fatal to humans.

dope. All parts of the plant contain toxic alkaloids. When injected into the gastrointestinal tract affect the nervous system, causing cardiac disorders and paralysis.

lily of the valley. Contains relatively high concentrations of cardiac glycoside, in low doses stimulates the weakened heart muscle, but an overdose leads to arrhythmias and blockade of electrical conduction of the heart required for its normal rate. All parts of plant are poisonous. Poisoning is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache and pain in the epigastric region. In severe cases, broken rhythm and heart rate, while heart rate, as a rule, it is rare. Sometimes it is affected and the nervous system. This is evidenced by agitation, visual disturbances, seizures, loss of consciousness.

aconite. has neurotoxic and cardiotoxic action. Symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, numbness of the tongue, lips, cheeks, fingertips and toes, a feeling of pins and needles, feeling hot and cold in the extremities. For aconite intoxication is characterized by transient visual disturbances - the patient sees things in a green color. It is also noted salivation, dryness of the mouth are replaced, there are thirst, headache, restlessness, convulsive twitching of facial muscles and limbs, loss of consciousness. Breathing fast, shallow, it is possible sudden stop.

rhododendron. Contain substances glucoside character - andromedotoksin, erikolin. Andromedotoksin has local irritant, and a general narcotic action, first exciting, after suppressing the central nervous system, greatly upsetting the heart, a peculiar, like veratrine, affects muscle. Poisoning is developing very quickly. Often, after a few hours after eating the leaves and branches of rhododendron death occurs.

Gila monster. - A large reptile with a very beautiful black and orange pattern throughout the body. The Latin name of this beautiful lizards - Heloderma suspectum or gila. On the upper and lower jaw are grooves, which are suitable channels of highly developed venom glands. The bite of the teeth roots deep in the body of the victim. Gila bites are very painful and almost act like a snake bite. Poison - neurotoxic, ie, the bite paralyzes its prey. For small animals, lizards, deadly poison, a man he usually is very strong swelling, but can sometimes lead to death.

croton oil. - Liquid obtained from the seeds of Croton tiglium. It has a strong laxative effect, irritates skin and mucous membranes. Even in small amounts (more than 20 drops ), life-threatening. Krotonal is toxic and mutagenic. By inhalation of its vapor by man, there is irritation, sore throat, cough, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, the onset of shock or unconsciousness. Contact us directly to the fluid leads to a strong cutaneous redness, irritation, pain and burns. After contact with the poison inside is poisoning the whole body, damage the central nervous system tumors. In the case of tactile contact is formed of skin scarring.

digitalis. Nowadays, the purple foxglove used for the production of drugs that stimulate the cardiovascular system. The active biological substances from foxglove tend to accumulate in the body and can be harmful or even deadly to humans with a healthy heart. Grass roots and imbued with the toxin digitalis digitalinom. Poisoning is accompanied by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the pulse becomes rapid and arrhythmic, there is a general weakness and shortness of breath. Perhaps the development of convulsions before death.

The poisonous octopus. (blue ringed octopus). Its venom neurotoxins belonging to the group, so powerful that can kill an adult, especially if the octopus has bitten in the neck or in a region close to the spine. Vaccines against its venom simply does not.

Borodavchatka. Fish, which is located on the back of a number of spikes that produce poisonous toxins. This is the most dangerous of known venomous fish and its venom causes severe pain with possible shock, paralysis and tissue death depending on the depth of penetration. At the slightest irritation borodavchatka raises the dorsal fin spines, sharp and strong, they easily penetrate the shoe man, accidentally stepped on the fish, and penetrate deep into the leg. For deep penetration shot can be deadly to humans if it is not treated for several hours. If a thorn got into a major blood vessel, death can occur within 2-3 h. Survivors sometimes suffer for months. Venom is a mixture of proteins, including hemolytic stonustoksina, a neurotoxin, and cardiac activity kardioleptina. Typically, survivors suffer from local nerve damage, sometimes leading to atrophy of muscle tissue associated. The pain can be so severe that the victims want to cut the prick of the injured limb.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Unwritten rules of management.

Enjoy what do. This is directly reflected in your work. No one likes angry people, except such as disgruntled.

We spend many, many hours doing their job. And it's much nicer to spend this time with the energetic and cheerful people than those who mistakenly thinks is a manifestation of professionalism - the severity and pugnaciousness.

I enjoy what I do. I enjoy working with people who are experiencing the same feelings and I think this is directly reflected on the results of our work.

And I know that our customers enjoy working with a team that likes her job.