Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday's question

I missed unbanal issues and offer them to you to ask. Trolling is ignored, the very length of the issue shall be packed in 140 characters. The question should not be a rhetorical. The questions that I 've been asked in numerous interviews fly by. Subjects either, but still keep yourself in the hands of.

The best questions will be answered today. Three of the best questions will then be flown to the club invites. The best gets prepayd 300 rubles kazapa. ru, the other two - for $ 100.

And it's not an interview, and contest, so the answers are only subjectively best questions. So do not write something in the expectation that I would say, try to win the competition. I think it is important that people know how to ask the right questions, not only to provide answers. Good luck to all!.

During Friday decided to encourage investment Bournisien, and for a discount decided to give a girl - Anna Volkova. For the prizes can be approached in the mail or ICQ.

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