Friday, March 30, 2012

Lunch for £ 99.65.

Fritz Morgen. held a competition, proving that you can eat well for 80 rubles a day. I'm on such experiments are not ready, but on the other hand, I 'll try to prove that you can reasonably eat out for an amount not more than 200 rubles. / day.

Before you lunch in a local table exactly. for 99. 65 rubles. The quality of it I would appreciate a tolerable. I do not like stolovskuyu food, it is usually difficult and causes heartburn (which worries me now ), but it is quite nutritious and starve to death will not give.

1) cabbage soup with cabbage and sour cream.
2) Liver with mashed potatoes.
3) Squid salad with mayonnaise.
4) Pie with cabbage.
5) Tomato Juice.

This is, in fact, the proof that all eaten.

Now about the contest. Conditions are very simple. We need to find a dining room and. eat dinner in an amount not more than $ 100. This may be a business lunch in a cafe, canteen may be, as long as you have given a check. Proof of attendance will be a canteen:. photo of before, after a photo, scan the check sum or photo of a menu. It should be understood that the check punched in the canteen or the menu is taken from the same source:. transcript of the dishes at prices that smiling cashier with a check in my hand - I do not care. At lunch must enter:. first course, second - meat or fish with vegetables, salad, drink and any snack to drink - patty, bun, cake.

Prize:. 22 amounts specified on the check. T. e. I am willing to pay the winner (who at my discretion, finds the most nutritious and cheap lunch) 22 more of the same lunch. Why 22? . The main criteria: low price. Other things being equal less nutritious dinner loses.

Deadline:. July 15, 2008.

The second condition for the contest:. Post these pictures in his blog with a link to this post and comment with a link to your post here. Number of posts can be anything, but from one participant to the contest will be decided only recently.

My opinion about the winner is not discussed. and is not questioned and contested. But in any case, I will try to even the suspicion that I want to feed their friends did not arise.

Of course, that. all the pictures of the competition ( as they appear in the network) with reference to the owners to appear on my blog. If they pass under the terms of the competition. And this is an extra back and a bunch of hits on the blog, according to statistics review, which I sometimes do - about 70-100 per month. Not bad, considering that the post with a link depends on the home page is rarely more than a day.

The last competition. of refs 15 th ended. Won peps, mainly due to their sales as a dealer. Satkha. It remains only to calculate its payoff in the near future and will be done.
---------- updated.
Figured, 75 VSW out as the winner of a letter from his beloved. Congratulate comrade! .

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Black theme from the James White

This theme is for those who like to concentrate on reading the text without being distracted by the external interface. I do not know about you, but for these purposes, I usually put a dark theme to your Chrome.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good news: I bought a Samsung Galaxy S 2 (I9100)

He's big, but very thin and light. It is much easier my old I900, and certainly easier to metallic Wave II. But the screen is very much a huge.

The back cover is attached to the little plastic tabs in the cover, which should be included in the grooves on the body. As a result, it is easy to open lid - a fingernail, but close it is much more difficult - should take place with your fingers around the edge of the junction of the lid to the body. At the same time constantly ssysh that the cover may break. In general, I would not advise to pull this cover is often.

On the phone is an android version 2. 3. 3. T. e. any possible potryasyvaniya, slopes, etc. when dealing with telephone. With tabom not compare in this respect - there should be more finger dexterity nadrachivat to move icons, or drag and drop anything. In this regard, es2 greatly outperforms its big brother. But at the same time, the screen mode Home does not turn over, always remaining in a vertical orientation. This is strange.

The rest of the android is an android. Market, phone, contacts, mail. Contact us I moved from your old phone for a couple of minutes later Kies. There are in the phone Kies Air, allows you to manage your phone from any computer - this, of course, crap and do not live - do not have any vayfaya: just load the app on the phone, he sticks to the network, and you can manage your phone and its contents after a certain .

This phone is difficult to find fault. It's fast, many can, even the camera had 8mpks.

And behind him a large company with a boundless passion for Samsung dopilivat even good products and make them even better. In general, it is the most anticipated purchase of the year, pending a birthday gift, which is scheduled for the fall, but deferred due to the rapidly falling to normal price.

I recommend. I can not yet advise, though, because he has not tried everything.

Club under the DDOS- attacks

Bablorub. ru, paranepara. ru, obossus. ru, clubowner. ru and 100-150 sites now lie with the server. Sapport reported DDOS- attack on port 80.

So call for patience and I do not need to knock on ICQ. I'm aware of since the beginning of the attack. We will understand.

UPD. Ddos is bablorub. We made a redirect from it to Yashka. Observe the dexterity DDoSer more.

UPD2. Are already working two. I, unfortunately, only serve as a ballast - pinatelya. Pobanili part aypishek. Sympathetic feel better, and then went to ddos with a bang. Chichas select software for antiddosa. The attack was estimated at approximately $ 100 per night. Volunteer companions promised to help officials pizdyulyami toward a potential criminal (in this attack has all the elements of a crime, according to article 273 of the Criminal Code, ... The show goes on.

UPD3. Serch. annealed. In order to preserve turnips avoid participation in a particular subject - who is it important, of course. Read the same - have fun. As always, doebyvayutsya to the title. And what else would, serch starved, starved.

UPD4. like all. We will look further. I never understood DDoSer.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012

15 questions an entrepreneur in the field of e-commerce

Questions entrepreneur in the field of e-commerce.

In 2011 I saw 50 projects in the field of e-commerce in different countries (Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium) and different levels of development (from idea to the late rounds). All they wanted money from investors.

In this article I will try to bring all the questions that investors interested in such projects and the entrepreneurs who were not always answered.

After the issue, I will try to formulate answers to the investor wants to hear. I am sure that I do not have all the options, but those who claim to attention of the investor will still be able to draw correct conclusions.

What I was most surprised that the questions are obvious, but employers are not asking them to yourself before meeting with investors. E-commerce - a very tough market with high barriers and low margin. And a desire to work in it a little, in order to achieve success.
The attentive reader will make a very important conclusion of the questions and answers: Investors want to see in this business, people with experience in this market. Unfortunately, this is no place for beginners (as permissible even 2 years ago).

So, questions:.

Question number 1:.

- How well do you know this business?.
- I am X years in the industry, my experience is more in sales and marketing. I know my good customers, their needs. I personally know of suppliers ( manufacturers ) of my product.

Question number 2:.
- Tell me about your market.
- My market has an annual turnover of units xxx, xxx to non mrabotayut suppliers, the major players - 1, 2,... N ( of the ones you can find in the ... Our clients ( clients with a description of the segmentation ), they buy our products for ( some scenarios ), the average check is.... margin on the sale of approximately xx %. A typical scenario of purchase - (a description of the script). Among consumers there is a large proportion of those who would welcome to shopping online, which currently make X% and this share is growing at a rate of XX% per year for X years. The numbers I got from such and such sectoral studies and adjusted on the basis of their X- years of experience in this market. Inconsistencies (if any ), I can not explain such factors - 1, 2,..., N.

Question number 3:.
- Tell us what you 're looking for clients.
- I have worked several channels of disabilities:.
a. The long history of relationships with old customers who are willing to go to the orders over the Internet.
2. I have a good relationship with the sites visited by my CA and they are ready to place my ads ( that's protocols).
3. Last XX months I've been watching the cost and effectiveness of placing contextual advertising. Currently, the price for the transfer of such property is XX cents, I expect growth rates in the X times in the twentieth month, this growth will be associated with both my budget and from budgets of companies that will go to the same market.
4. Organic traffic from search engines. We have the world's best SEO specialist who has experience with my product category ( my category examines the goods ) for XX months. Buying links - the last thing I would do. At the same time, I am ready to face the war budgets on SEO with their competitors.
5. I have a strategy for getting traffic from social networks, and it does not provide a fangrupp low conversion, sending spam, and other such things, I understand why our users would share the links to our site, why such references will not be annoying to my friends and I .
6. We have a good strategy for PR and I am confident that we will be writing about the media.
7. We have an affiliate program that will allow our partners to make our sales. We have already held talks and have several partners who will work with us. Here is a portrait of our partner: a site with attendance HHk uniques a day, we generate x ( leads, sales) in the month, week, day, we give such a partner, our margin of XX% (including conversion), it will be $ XXX per month on average .

Question number 4:.
- Tell us about your positioning.
- Because we have extensive experience in this market, we have identified several niches, based on in-depth analysis of these niches, use cases, and the motives of our customers, we found a very good positioning, which will allow us to stand out from competitors and create effective marketing communications with our .

Question number 5:.
- What do you expect the conversion?.
- The answer to this question, we divide into two parts:.
a. targeted Traffic. We expect the conversion of X %, higher than the market average by more user-friendly interface and ease of purchase. We plan to continually work to improve this figure and we have a team in an individual with sufficient experience, which is responsible only for the option and not for anything else. His word is crucial in any disputes below the CEO, CEO, and he listens to his advice and take into account.
2. untargeted traffic. We'll work on getting any traffic (except the one that will bring us the loss of reputation ), and will track conversions on them. The main KPI in this case, the ROI will be.

Question number 6:.
- How you will be organized by user support?.
- Support for our customers, we plan to be carried out in two stages.
a. At the start we open a call-center is not more than 5 people who will be willing to answer any questions. We plan to build the project work so that as little as possible in the process of inserting a ...
2. As the applications, we plan to transfer this function to outsourcing, providing operators the maximum possible number of scripts and answers to questions. All matters requiring a decision, we plan to send ... When a contract for such services, we envisage the procedure for transfer of individual operators in the outsourcing status of ...

Question number 7:.
- How are you going to accept payments?.
- Unfortunately, the lion's share of payments nanashem market - cash on delivery, but we, on the one hand, we have been able to make all our payments in various ways, on the other hand are willing to encourage our customers to move away from Cash.

Question number 8:.
- What are your CAC and LTV?.
- We started the business with the calculation of these indicators. Estimated Here we are, we are at the start of their adjusted (that these hypotheses were not confirmed ) in the future we plan to change these parameters within the limits of such and such reasons.

Question number 9:.
- How do you decide the issues of supply?.
- Our long experience in this market and provides us with a good reputation for good relations with suppliers in the market. This is an unfair advantage to our and our suppliers are willing to work with us on terms of deferred payment or merchandise credit (amount, timing ). That's why we do not need working capital, but simply a provision for getting started with a new supplier or for a quick response to Buys. In addition, our supplies are well diversified, and none of the vendors do not have a share of more than 30 % of the total.

Question number 10:.
- What is your Burn Rate?.
- Our Burn Rate now stands at $ Xk, we are ready to increase it up to the twentieth, this parameter, we plan to keep a low primarily due to the fact that the majority plan to convert fixed costs into variable.

Question number 11:.
- How did you solved the logistics?.
- We signed a contract with the company ... They guarantee us blablabla and financially responsible. In addition, we provide a sample (preferably 100%) of the control order fulfillment and satisfaction of our customers work with the courier. His delivery, we plan to use in exceptional cases.

Question number 12:.
- How fast you are going to grow?.
- We plan to grow at a rate of XX% per month ( weekly). We understand that growth is important and dangerous. That is why we will grow at a maximum rate, which will enable us to not lower the quality of service (satisfaction ) of the client. In the early stages, when growth is planned raketoobrazny, we will reduce the number of orders ( on marketing budgets - especially in the contextual advertising ) to work efficiently all orders.

Question number 13:.
- How long have you been?.
- We have started months ago, deciding to use a startup that's an engine that has allowed us to quickly and inexpensively quick Start to test our hypotheses. Of the cost of running the project was $ XK and we are guided by a team of X people who work for little money. We are aware that this is only a model and our experience and capabilities allow us to increase sales in the hundreds of times.

Question number 14:.
- What you need money?.
- The money we need only three goals:.
a. marketing.
2. Development of design usability.
3. Support for company growth.

Question number 15:.
- What are your priorities?.
- Our main priority - customer satisfaction and repeat sales, then - EBITDA.

Dennis Dovgopol.
denny. do @ gmail. com.
dennydov. blogspot. com.
@ dennydov.

Consider that under the CC license - use only the authorship and a link to the original (.
http://dennydov. blogspot. com/2012/01/15-e-commerce. html. ) leave.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Boeing will prove hakeroustoychivost new liner

New boingovsky ' fat man ' - the liner 787, recently came to being - before they go into mass production, to go through another series of tests that will address information security, reports AP.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires the Boeing Company to prove that providing Internet access to passengers will not be the reason that some terrorists have penetrated to the board, seize control and demolished a couple of the WTC towers. Lori Gunter (Lori Gunter), a representative of aircraft manufacturers, said that the avionics in any case not connected to the Internet. Navigation, control and other systems are protected from invasion, Gunter said, while refusing to even call about the extent to which management systems and Internet access are separated from each other.

Thus, any connection between them is still there, a fact that a layman can cause a nervous tick and force him to change seats on the Airbus. The latter, incidentally, has already said that the best way to protect yourself from the trouble - a physically separate system, but it is almost impossible to implement. In addition, the FAA presses American Association for the pilots, flight attendants required to provide the ability to block access for passengers, but this is somehow going too far.

However, Boeing is now to prove that its aircraft will behave in the event of fire or other emergency situations, as the 787 - the first liner is made ​​of carbon fiber. A problem associated with the collapse of the project Connexion, and rude passengers, for which we must introduce airborne Internet censorship should be a temporary retreat into the background.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gay Horoscope

People do not want to talk about work, libraries, events, technologies and so on! . Colleagues, please answer it!.

I want to talk about the rest,. trees. ,. Christmas decorations. ,. salads. ,. horoscopes. (By the way, you will come true. love horoscope. ? . ).
Because we have -. funny horoscope. :.

ARIES - The guns at the ready!.
Favorite book: self-published ' magazine 's own thoughts of the wise '.
Hobby: shoot first, ask questions later.
Ideal job: sex therapist.
The key phrase: ' You're telling me? '.

more ».

Thursday, March 22, 2012

wake fantasy

The head of Gazprom registered in ' Classmates '

Register in ' Classmates ' Miller invited friend, with whom he studied at the Institute of Finance and Economics. She now holds high office in a large company. According to Miller, he was found on the net ' children, with whom he studied at the primary school ', and now is thinking about organizing a meeting.

In the social network reported 52 Alexei Miller. Of these, the role of this age- Miller approach, only two. Only one of them pointed out in his evidence that he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance - the same as Miller finished.

In the ' Classmates ' recorded by many famous politicians and businessmen. In February 2008 it started a page of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Proper advertising

Today, still roamed the city, noticed a few new posters. Thinking about what today trends in advertising.

Have you noticed that advertising is more to the season, but not when there are no buyers. Now everything is on leave and the number of ads has fallen sharply. Although, it would seem logical to advertise when there is a need - m. e. no sales. An- no. Experiments show that advertising in the offseason is not justified. How many times do not tell ' paste ' in your mouth will not become sweeter. If buyers do not, in principle, it is useless to drum up. But in the season, advertising is not advertising, but a means to fight for market share.

But back to the methods of dominant this season. This is primarily. bonuses. Discounts in the past season, giving way to any garbage on a stick, which you vsuchat ' a gift '. But many advertisers are too lazy to spend money even on garbage, so the bonus is that and so should be included. Today saw a simple outdoor advertising on the shop door:. ' Gift of the summer! . Ahem, how do you handle-less door? . ' when buying a car - the engine for free! '.

Specials are also COX. In the priority of discounts - the battle between mobile operators. Already reached 10 cents per minute. Strangely the other, the connection seems cheaper, and the accounts grow. Although now, thanks to an Internet, I reduced the personal expenses of up to 250 rubles. per month. A year ago I was talking on a cell, on average 2 hours per day and had a bill from 3 to 8 thousand. rub.

The store stocks alcoholic - always a beer at the ridiculous price. Who steers Golden Barrel ( 20R. ) And Staropramen ( 30R. ) Russian spill. Last week, poured in a container Ochakovo 2n 50 rubles. So in fact become an alcoholic and can be. Supermarkets all started as a game with ' folk ' price: one identifies the goods and sells them at low prices. A couple of weeks assrtiment red tabs change. I am particularly pleased that people sometimes get the price even on such goods as Martini. Now is a rack with bubbles liter to 330 rubles. (old price - 550 rubles. ).

If these two methods are fighting among themselves, as Coca- Cola to PepsiCo, is stuck between the niche technology is January 1. Or speaking in Russian, buy two for the price of one. Or five at a price of four. Not the essence, it is important that this is the same discount, only turned inside out. For example, the hilt 8 bottles in a bag. I liked the bag even more than the hilt. Or share yuvelirka 585 for the purchase of two products: an expensive cheap at the price of expensive. Such advertising obvious niche - the additive is usually substantial and do not always need. So at one time was a big noise when stiralka to give even some appliances that customers are not dug well, just did. Not to mention the fact that the addition was low-grade. A plus sign to the total price was still. T. e. For example, stiralka itself 10000, supplement by itself - 500, and together - 10100.

Soon the season. Autumn - time to shop for winter. And then all at once and the New Year. Incidentally, we already have several numbers on the NG in Svetlogorsk. so. contact.


Malashkin made. new video for Satkha. - Now he shows how to alter a pattern. And he. haircut.

Who was the first to leave a comment, gets guard in the next post, but not two in a row. The campaign will last the whole of August. Pervonahi not considered to be the first comments and removed.

Useful information on issues related to law № 83 -FZ

The librarian reports. :.

Dear colleagues, I hope that this information, which is spread out on Daddy with the materials of the meeting on October 27-28 on the problems associated with the law number 83 - FL, will be published on the site / page of the meeting or on the page RBA. But time is precious, and it seemed to me that the sooner you can get it and read, the better. Lists of documents of interest, to see a slide films at the recommended sites.

more ».

What is SEO?

Good evening again, I 'm writing a post midnight, as the morning is too napryazhno because so much fries. Today I want to tell you about. What is SEO promotion.

Not many people know what it is or think that I know, but can not properly express my thoughts about it. I will try to tell you more clearly what it is.
word. SEO. - Comes from the English language and stands. Search Engine Optimization. Which consists in increasing the share of your request, the license the search engine. It is divided into. external. and. internal.
to. foreign. include advertising on your site to the other. Make this a reality you can purchase advertising space on the site or agree with the author about a link exchange: you place a link on the resource site with a person with whom you have agreed to exchange, and he was on his your. People have long been accustomed to advertising on the sites and have not clicked on it, with such interest as before. But many people who go to the link for example: ' Please note, there is information of interest to you '. Searcher can not determine whether your site is what some useful information or is it just a source of income where there is no information at all.
Search engines are guided by the number of sites that link to your site, it determines your position in the search engine. When you request information from the search engines, you are offered links to those sites where the amount requested by the extremely high. And the resources are located in this limit the degree of response.
internal. work to improve your resource in the search engines are in the filling of your site's keywords. Moreover, the number of keys is not as important as the correctness of their choice, because it affects the number of customers you offer resources.

Thank you for your attention ).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The laptop in emergency housing from Panasonic

news_14989_1_MDPanasonic has released a laptop Toughbook CF- 19 with Intel Core 2 Duo. The laptop has a reinforced hull that meets military standards MIL-SPEC and protects the electronics from water, dust, dirt, shock, extreme temperatures and the incidence. This unit works under the operating system Windows Vista, but it is also possible to install and more popular Windows XP. CF-19 has already appeared in the sales and costs U.S. $ 3200. Version with built-in web camera will be released in May 2008 and will cost $ 3,700.

- Intel Core 2 Duo U7500 (1,06 GHz, 2 MB cache L2, FSB 533 MHz);.
- Removable HDD to 80 GB;.
- 1 GB RAM ( 4 GB maximum capacity );.
- 10.4 -inch screen with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels, optional touch screen;.
- Dimensions: 47.5 h267, 5h212 mm, weight: 2.6 kg;.
- Battery life - up to 7 hours;.
- Modules Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AG 802. 11a/b/g, Bluetooth v2. 0 EDR;.
- Optional: EV-DO Rev. A or HSDPA; GPS- receiver, 2 megapixel camera with LED flash, card reader, fingerprint scanner.
Price: $ 3200 $ 3700.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Colorful Portable USB- HDD Maxtor Portable USB Powered Hard Drives

news_16230_1_MDSeagate has released for sale the next line of color portable external hard drives are protected from the effects of bumps and knocks. Drives have a USB interface and is available in three different versions.

In the line of the following models: Maxtor Portable USB Powered Hard Drive Topaz has a capacity of 250 gigabytes, and will cost you $ 130, Maxtor Portable USB Powered Hard Drive Cobalt - a 320- gigabyte hard drive costs $ 180 and Maxtor Portable USB Powered Hard Drive Graphite same capacity . Quite a reasonable price for the hard drives of this size, is not it? . Start a new line of drives sales is scheduled for June 22 this year.
Price: $ 130, 180.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

CES 2008: Ultra

news_12969_1_MDThe range of technical innovations presented by the general public started on the eve of CES 2008, it is impossible to ignore novelty from Samsung in the class of compact cameras. Filled in attracting, just ultra body ( shell thickness of 2 cm), ...

As there are pleasant surprises intuitive ... In addition, the already rich set of entertainment features added to the device applications of video playback formats MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV and ASF. It is also possible to shoot in MPEG-4 800 x 592. Price curious ...
mobiledevice. ru.

The communicator E-Ten X500 for design lovers ' classics ' and the actual filling

News_13108_1_MDVery thin and highly compact device on the brand E-Ten (Glofiish) is colorful and very attractive especially for connoisseurs of classic design. Model E-Ten X500 seems very promising successor of his super- successful older ' brother ' X500. The ability of the device to work with all imaginable protocols (here and quadband phone, and Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth) should be appreciated by the owner devaysa. In addition to the above pluses is there a 2- megapixel camera. Well, of course, GPS-module.

2.8 -inch TFT- screen resolution of 480 x 640, you can write a stylus that is included in the kit, or a finger, or connect an external keyboard. Borrowing from the previous model, the number of processor Samsung SC32442 400 MHz, the optimum amount of memory and the latest version of Windows Mobile 6 Professional. But that's not all. In the ' entertainment ' device will please a great bonus - FM- tuner.

Among the main performance characteristics of the device:.
- Windows Mobile 6 Professional;.
- Processor Samsung SC32442 (ARM) 400 MHz;.
- Memory: 64 MB RAM ( RAM) 128 MB of ROM ( ROM);.
- Color transflective 2.8-inch TFT-screen resolution of 480 x 640 pixels, 65535 colors;.
- Removable lithium- polymer battery 1530 mAh;.
- 2- megapixel camera;.
- Slot microSD;.
- USB- port;.
- Voice recorder, built-in microphone;.
- Stereo -out;.
- MP3-player;.
- FM- Tuner. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 18,500 rubles.

mobiledevice. ru.