Sunday, March 25, 2012

Boeing will prove hakeroustoychivost new liner

New boingovsky ' fat man ' - the liner 787, recently came to being - before they go into mass production, to go through another series of tests that will address information security, reports AP.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires the Boeing Company to prove that providing Internet access to passengers will not be the reason that some terrorists have penetrated to the board, seize control and demolished a couple of the WTC towers. Lori Gunter (Lori Gunter), a representative of aircraft manufacturers, said that the avionics in any case not connected to the Internet. Navigation, control and other systems are protected from invasion, Gunter said, while refusing to even call about the extent to which management systems and Internet access are separated from each other.

Thus, any connection between them is still there, a fact that a layman can cause a nervous tick and force him to change seats on the Airbus. The latter, incidentally, has already said that the best way to protect yourself from the trouble - a physically separate system, but it is almost impossible to implement. In addition, the FAA presses American Association for the pilots, flight attendants required to provide the ability to block access for passengers, but this is somehow going too far.

However, Boeing is now to prove that its aircraft will behave in the event of fire or other emergency situations, as the 787 - the first liner is made ​​of carbon fiber. A problem associated with the collapse of the project Connexion, and rude passengers, for which we must introduce airborne Internet censorship should be a temporary retreat into the background.

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