Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Proper advertising

Today, still roamed the city, noticed a few new posters. Thinking about what today trends in advertising.

Have you noticed that advertising is more to the season, but not when there are no buyers. Now everything is on leave and the number of ads has fallen sharply. Although, it would seem logical to advertise when there is a need - m. e. no sales. An- no. Experiments show that advertising in the offseason is not justified. How many times do not tell ' paste ' in your mouth will not become sweeter. If buyers do not, in principle, it is useless to drum up. But in the season, advertising is not advertising, but a means to fight for market share.

But back to the methods of dominant this season. This is primarily. bonuses. Discounts in the past season, giving way to any garbage on a stick, which you vsuchat ' a gift '. But many advertisers are too lazy to spend money even on garbage, so the bonus is that and so should be included. Today saw a simple outdoor advertising on the shop door:. ' Gift of the summer! . Ahem, how do you handle-less door? . ' when buying a car - the engine for free! '.

Specials are also COX. In the priority of discounts - the battle between mobile operators. Already reached 10 cents per minute. Strangely the other, the connection seems cheaper, and the accounts grow. Although now, thanks to an Internet, I reduced the personal expenses of up to 250 rubles. per month. A year ago I was talking on a cell, on average 2 hours per day and had a bill from 3 to 8 thousand. rub.

The store stocks alcoholic - always a beer at the ridiculous price. Who steers Golden Barrel ( 20R. ) And Staropramen ( 30R. ) Russian spill. Last week, poured in a container Ochakovo 2n 50 rubles. So in fact become an alcoholic and can be. Supermarkets all started as a game with ' folk ' price: one identifies the goods and sells them at low prices. A couple of weeks assrtiment red tabs change. I am particularly pleased that people sometimes get the price even on such goods as Martini. Now is a rack with bubbles liter to 330 rubles. (old price - 550 rubles. ).

If these two methods are fighting among themselves, as Coca- Cola to PepsiCo, is stuck between the niche technology is January 1. Or speaking in Russian, buy two for the price of one. Or five at a price of four. Not the essence, it is important that this is the same discount, only turned inside out. For example, the hilt 8 bottles in a bag. I liked the bag even more than the hilt. Or share yuvelirka 585 for the purchase of two products: an expensive cheap at the price of expensive. Such advertising obvious niche - the additive is usually substantial and do not always need. So at one time was a big noise when stiralka to give even some appliances that customers are not dug well, just did. Not to mention the fact that the addition was low-grade. A plus sign to the total price was still. T. e. For example, stiralka itself 10000, supplement by itself - 500, and together - 10100.

Soon the season. Autumn - time to shop for winter. And then all at once and the New Year. Incidentally, we already have several numbers on the NG in Svetlogorsk. so. contact.


Malashkin made. new video for Satkha. - Now he shows how to alter a pattern. And he. haircut.

Who was the first to leave a comment, gets guard in the next post, but not two in a row. The campaign will last the whole of August. Pervonahi not considered to be the first comments and removed.

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