Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Good news: I bought a Samsung Galaxy S 2 (I9100)

He's big, but very thin and light. It is much easier my old I900, and certainly easier to metallic Wave II. But the screen is very much a huge.

The back cover is attached to the little plastic tabs in the cover, which should be included in the grooves on the body. As a result, it is easy to open lid - a fingernail, but close it is much more difficult - should take place with your fingers around the edge of the junction of the lid to the body. At the same time constantly ssysh that the cover may break. In general, I would not advise to pull this cover is often.

On the phone is an android version 2. 3. 3. T. e. any possible potryasyvaniya, slopes, etc. when dealing with telephone. With tabom not compare in this respect - there should be more finger dexterity nadrachivat to move icons, or drag and drop anything. In this regard, es2 greatly outperforms its big brother. But at the same time, the screen mode Home does not turn over, always remaining in a vertical orientation. This is strange.

The rest of the android is an android. Market, phone, contacts, mail. Contact us I moved from your old phone for a couple of minutes later Kies. There are in the phone Kies Air, allows you to manage your phone from any computer - this, of course, crap and do not live - do not have any vayfaya: just load the app on the phone, he sticks to the network, and you can manage your phone and its contents after a certain .

This phone is difficult to find fault. It's fast, many can, even the camera had 8mpks.

And behind him a large company with a boundless passion for Samsung dopilivat even good products and make them even better. In general, it is the most anticipated purchase of the year, pending a birthday gift, which is scheduled for the fall, but deferred due to the rapidly falling to normal price.

I recommend. I can not yet advise, though, because he has not tried everything.

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