Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Club under the DDOS- attacks

Bablorub. ru, paranepara. ru, obossus. ru, clubowner. ru and 100-150 sites now lie with the server. Sapport reported DDOS- attack on port 80.

So call for patience and I do not need to knock on ICQ. I'm aware of since the beginning of the attack. We will understand.

UPD. Ddos is bablorub. We made a redirect from it to Yashka. Observe the dexterity DDoSer more.

UPD2. Are already working two. I, unfortunately, only serve as a ballast - pinatelya. Pobanili part aypishek. Sympathetic feel better, and then went to ddos with a bang. Chichas select software for antiddosa. The attack was estimated at approximately $ 100 per night. Volunteer companions promised to help officials pizdyulyami toward a potential criminal (in this attack has all the elements of a crime, according to article 273 of the Criminal Code, ... The show goes on.

UPD3. Serch. annealed. In order to preserve turnips avoid participation in a particular subject - who is it important, of course. Read the same - have fun. As always, doebyvayutsya to the title. And what else would, serch starved, starved.

UPD4. like all. We will look further. I never understood DDoSer.

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