Friday, April 6, 2012


Next on the shoe, which... 600 million years!.

According to the prevailing today in the scientific world view, the first ape-like creatures appeared on Earth during the Oligocene, which began 38 million years ago. The branch also, which led to the evolution of man, was born in the Miocene period, covering the interval from 25 to 5 million years ago.

At the beginning of the next period, the Pliocene, on the planet lived the first fossil hominid - bipedal humanoid primates. Age of the oldest known hominid - Australopithecus or southern ape, - about 3 million years.

Approximately two million years ago, at the beginning of the Pleistocene, a branch of Australopithecus evolved into ...

To ... And the footprints in the literal sense: the prints of bare human feet were found even in the Carboniferous strata, which happened 320 million years ago.

In the summer of 2006 in a piece of granite near the Kuta Korzheva Umanschine Cherkassy students found three prints of the human foot.

' The valley in which the stone was discovered, has the correct form of a semicircle. At the edges, like guards, towering red rocks. You can get here on a single track, passing by these guards. At the bottom of the stream flows, and when poured, closes the entrance to the valley. '.

When students washed the stone from the dirt, even sat in amazement - it clearly stood out three print! .

The children began to try on their feet and came to the conclusion that large - the traces of a woman. The most clear trail is so well preserved that were visible even prints your fingertips.

Showed a number of dog paw print.

Director of Uman museum traces photographed and sent to the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

' Local ufologists believe that the stone Uman - hello from the distant cosmos. They justify their assumption that the valley with a mind like a funnel from the explosion. In addition, at the beginning of last century Uman clerks often recorded the stories of farmers who, crossing himself, spoke of ... '.

Frogs prefer to jump shod?.

But archaeologists have found fossilized imprints of bare feet, not only.

Some people (or aliens from outer space ), preferred to walk hundreds of millions of years ago, shod.

The most sensational find of this kind was made in 1927 in Nevada, when the sediments are 160-195 million years old, was found fossilized traces of. shoe. Clearly be visible trace of the foot, and even visited her double seam! .

Dr. Vilbar Burrows, head of the Geological Faculty of Bury College in the U.S. state of Kentucky, said the fact of their discovery of human footprints in the Carboniferous sandstone. They were shoe marks - a 24 and a width of 15 inches. Even with the latest equipment to detect evidence of engraving, cutting or punching a skilful inside or around the tracks could not be. Age of the mountain, where the prints, geologists estimated at 240 million years.

In the summer of 1968 in an area called Antelope Source amateur archaeologist has. J. Meister, she finds fossilized trilobites found in the rock has an imprint of human feet, under which stood the trilobite.

Scientists have determined that it was a trace of modern human foot, shod in sandals. But trilobites - the ancient mollusks, which were the first inhabitants of the ocean - have lived on Earth 600 million years ago, for 300 million years before dinosaurs appeared. How to get there is our contemporary, giving the sandal a trilobite? .

In no small embarrassment came from academics and fossilized human footprints, which are side by side with dinosaur tracks. Chains of fossilized human footprints in the age of at least 100-150 million years were discovered in the Transvaal, in Ceylon, in the Gobi Desert. In Texas, in the river Peleksi River, where the location of the world's largest dinosaur footprints, K. Strenberg discovered in 1930 by the footprints of a man who seems to have pursued a dinosaur!.

One more ancient traces of human bare feet have been found American geologist, Mr.. Bourree in 1931, a few miles to the north- west of Mount Vernon. Ten signs of a person depicted in the layers, whose age is 250 million years!.

How to explain these traces of conservative scholars? . However, it should be noted that the fossilized trail shoe also studied the scientists who found that it is authentic.

Ancient hunters shot from hard drives...?.

Of course, if there were abnormal only prints one would assume that hundreds of millions of years ago, lived a strange frog with human feet, sometimes for a variety of wearing shoes, and more. However, apart from archaeologists find traces of fingerprints and other physical evidence that in a very remote from our times, before and during the era of the dinosaurs on Earth, permanently or temporarily inhabited by beings who, among other things, firearms possession, and, as can be, and .

Evidence of this are the findings of the skulls of dinosaurs with a perfectly smooth, like bullets, holes, and the discovery of Neanderthal skull in Rhodesia in 1928 with a similar hole, and the skull of a bison from Yakutia, 40 -thousand-year -old, who had a perfectly round hole in his lifetime overgrown.

During excavations in the Gobi desert the Russian paleontologist and a writer and. Efremov, found next to dinosaur skeletons, the bones of human- beings and a few metal objects. The latter were made ​​with high-tech. In addition, the dinosaur bones were discovered bullet holes clearly.

In many places around the world have found the bones of fossil specimens with holes. But there have been found and the man who allegedly made ​​these holes.

In the summer of 1974 the new find has stirred up the scientific world. East of the Romanian city of Ayud in waters of the river Mures inwashed layer of soil, ten- deep, archaeologists have discovered a metal object, the shape somewhat reminiscent of the ax with no ax. According to the results of the analysis of the surface, scientists have found that it is made of aluminum a few million years ago!.

... On opposite sides of it were made round holes, connecting with each other in the middle. In addition, there was a notch on the blade with two prongs, resembling part of the modern excavator bucket in a reduced form.

The material of which was made by a mysterious object, subjected to investigation in the laboratory of Dr. and. Niderkorna in Research and Design Institute of ores and metals in Magurele. Chemical analysis showed that the metal alloy composed of twelve different elements of. The bulk of the alloy is aluminum. But the metal was discovered only in 1825, and its commercial production began later - in the late XIX century!.

Holes in the pockets of strangers.

In 1991, miners in a small river Narada, on the eastern side of the Ural Mountains, came across a strange object, especially a spiral shape. The size of these objects ranges from 3 inches (maximum) to 0.006 millimeter! . Most of them are located at a depth of 3 to 12 meters. Spiral-shaped objects composed of different metals: large size - from copper, and small and very small - of tungsten and molybdenum.

Mysterious objects have been studied in research institutes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Helsinki. After the accurate measurement of microscopic objects has become clear that the size of the spiral obey the relation of so-called golden section.

Ufologists, who met with unusual findings Urals, have no doubt that these items have a direct proof of the presence on Earth in the past, aliens or time travelers.

Similar findings are found in other places. For example, in the Kaluga region.

Some time ago, in search of a fallen meteorite fragments Expedition Center ... When the researchers removed the dirt from it, on how clearly they saw somehow got into the. bolt with a nut about a centimeter in length.

How did he get there? . After all, it was a bolt - stone! .

Thorough chemical analysis showed that over time the iron atoms are diffused, that is passed into the rock to a depth of eighteen inches, and in their place stood the stone came from the silicon atoms. This resulted in an oval glandular ... For geologists, it is a common phenomenon: they know that everything inside the stone millions of years, sooner or later becomes a stone.

Paleontologists have removed all the questions regarding the age of rock: really old, he was 300-320 million years. It is established that the ...

Aliens, or living stones?.

Archaeologists lead to confusion, and found on Pine Island, in New Caledonia, the columns. They were discovered in 1960 during excavations in the hills that look like ant hills. The height of each column is 100 to 250 cm, they are made out of concrete. But, according to the experts, the first man stepped foot on the land of New Caledonia in 2000 years before Christ, and the concrete was invented a few centuries before our era. However, radiocarbon analysis showed that these columns was built between the 10 950 -m and 5120 BC.

The most amazing is that during the excavations near the columns have not found any human remains, nor any trace of civilization was, even though these structures is clearly intelligent beings created by hand. Some of the future built it, and returned back to his time? .

One more mysterious column, this time by the four-meter high, divers found in shallow water at the Galapagos Islands. These columns are made of translucent vitreous material, and one of them cut a strange mark in the form of an equilateral triangle. It should be noted that diamond cutters folded before the strength of this material is unknown to modern science.

In the coal mines in Oklahoma after the bombing had found a whole wall of concrete blocks several cubic. Coal is mined in the mine, belonged to the Carboniferous period, that is his age, at least 286 million years!.

In 1968, scientists have discovered metal pipes of different sizes, but the same semi-oval shape in the mass of chalk quarries in Saint-Jean -de- Livet in France. After considering several hypotheses about the origin of these enigmatic objects the researchers had no choice as to the conclusion that it was a handiwork of intelligent beings living on Earth 65 million years ago.

There are many theories attempting to explain these strange findings. The scatter in the ideas of a huge - and the nature of the game before falsification scattered conscious aliens with holey pockets and time travelers.

One of the most exotic of assumptions belongs to British investigators of paranormal phenomena John Michell and Robert Ricardo, who collected a rather rich roster of all possible cases and abnormal findings. This hypothesis for the spontaneous formation of anomalous objects in the interior of the Earth and is based on the representation of some medieval naturalists of the existence of some ... Some of these naturalists even suggested that, as living creatures, rocks in the Earth copulate and give birth to cubs. Type of bolt with a nut! .

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