Monday, April 2, 2012

Bank offers free clones

Recently, several clones of famous websites Russian banks appeared in the blast zone. su. Affected, in particular, Sberbank, VTB and VTB 24 Bank of Moscow, Uniastrum Bank and the Bank ... The names of fake sites coincide with the names of the original sites, such as site - clones are sbrf. su, vtb. su, vtb24. su, mmbank. su. On these pages has sex shops with a wide range of related products.

After creating a website, clones, their owner Andrew Karedin sent letters to credit institutions, which offered to buy the rights to ownership of these sites for ...

And experts estimate the size of such transactions in the amount of about 10-15 thousand dollars. The banks can benefit the court and get a domain name in such a way.

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