Friday, April 6, 2012

Lukashenka - The fate of Ceausescu, or who was behind the explosion in Minsk subway?

Last greasy smears of Lukashenko simply amazing. In the beginning was rough, senseless, ruthless and bloody - startling final point in the last presidential election. 19dekabrya 2010 Minsk central streets were thoroughly watered with blood of innocent people. Thousands beaten and hundreds arrested. Special operation - ostensibly to prevent attempts to formally mythical state / revolution - has been carefully prepared and rehearsed. That in itself is shocking, and inner and outer world.

Even the most hardened cynics and pragmatists considering any inter-state relations through the prism of obtaining a particular income, turned away from the ... But he - this ... For nearly three months all over Belarus were mass arrests, searches and interrogations of any alternative movement activists. Not only the opposition. Prison for almost all alternative candidates for the presidency. Subscriptions on parole for thousands of the rank and file activists. All of this - as a direct result of the so -called ... Analyze this figure is meaningless - there is no shred of truth and.
After the election happened to a sharp increase of the financial crisis in one country. Periodically, problems arise in the national economies of many countries. But Belarus is ... It turned out that this country - really banal ... Give the money - the country is. No - a disastrous start problems. Now there is a sharp increase in domestic deficit. No money at all. No matter what. The markets for Belarusian goods is gradually closed. The national currency is the de facto devalued. Banks refuse to sell currency. Exchange offices are closed in anticipation of banal human assaults. In the rush line stores and hysteria. Food products rapidly sweep. No one no one no longer believes. Propaganda can not pay off panic.

Finally, the third - the worst - bar, space characterizes the ... A terrible explosion in underground interchange station spans ... Belarus has never in its recent history has met with such a phenomenon. The country is not ready for it neither morally nor organizational. This is not Moscow, which has repeatedly perezhivalachto something like that. And most importantly - no one will be able to clearly answer the key question of ... The more that just started working odd version of what happened.

The explosion actually occurred in the very center of Minsk. Next - really is the residence of President Lukashenko. Some observers of such a banal fact of lightning made ​​the fundamental conclusion - a ... ... Lukashenko ever in his presidential life went on the subway? .

Belarusian propaganda (very, incidentally, is primitive and calculated solely on the domestic user who has almost no alternative information and therefore uses primitive ) attempts to link the explosion and residence in a unit. And the key conclusion: ... I agree that the attack. Question - whose?.

Right on the main. In Belarus today, there is no real underground groups. there are no. In Belarus there are no ... There are no ethnic, racial, religious, or other conflicts. This is ( to repeat ) is not Russia, with its multi-line voltage. Belarus has no wars. Neither the internal ( like Chechnya ) or external. Inside the Belarusian opposition is not radical movements. This is, believe me, absolutely. And local opposition - both professional revolutionaries - does not exist for ten years. Only one of the ...

Why are gone? . The question is another: when ennaya (well known ), a group of people will testify to the fact of his disappearance. In any case, if we are talking about today, after the massive defeat of the opposition, initiated by the furious Lukashenko in December last year, its now in Belarus, there are no. Or - if you like - all of it on house arrest. Or on the run abroad. Or just shakes. or asleep. The final conclusion in this case, by the way, does not require much intellectual effort - in today's Belarus priori ( in the slang of Lukashenko - ...

And that is? . Powerful, resource rich, but intellectually very weak intelligence agency - the name is not important. She is now in Belarus, in fact, a single - and all the standard and classic security forces (KGB, the Interior Ministry, State Control, Prosecutor General's Office ) perform rather operational security functions in this special service. Between classical security forces, of course, periodically breaking out brutal war for the right of ... However, this is not the. And the fact that Lukashenka has to date occurred just did an insoluble problem - how to provide resources to their own fourth term? . Still not completed.

So, first of all, it was in those days (today / tomorrow) The Council of Ministers suspended the eurozone had a vote... on the introduction of stringent economic sanctions against Belarus. Due to the large-scale bullying Lukashenko at his own countrymen. In fact, it was a complete closure of markets for Belarus. Against the background of the fact that the Russians are now very hard (financially ) talking with hypertension - final trend is absolutely clear. The most severe collapse in a matter of mass. The second problem is the rapid growth of social discontent. People have literally ready to storm the shops, banks, exchangers, markets. They are very annoying game with exchange rates and commencing shortages in stores. Social discontent on this scale - it is not customary for Lukashenko game, beating thousands of other opposition leaders.