Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A new map of the Earth

It's very interesting to find a new post-apocalyptic map that most cherished point, preferably on the ground, of course, and away from the epicenter of the tectonic activity of any kind of faults and the like. Since the mass of the options for the event, then the new ... Referring only to a few of them, the authors of which are fairly well-known personalities in certain circles (we all remember that the official science diligently we powders brains in every way different from the otkreschivayas there apocalyptic ideas and theories!).

Map of the Earth after 2012.

a. Map of Michael Gordon Skaliona. It is called the second, Edward Casey, ostensibly talking to some minds, who tells him all sorts of interesting details about our future. The theory certainly has the right to life.

As we see, from the land, which we happily overlooked in Google Earth, little remains. Western Europe to wave waved and disappeared into the depths of the sea, North America and western Russia, too, turned to Atlantis after. Optimistic and does not smell, is to climb higher into the mountains with inflatable mattresses and wait... However, as you have already noticed, Australia, for example, is not for nothing is one of the most attractive countries to live in the 21st Century. Maybe the locals will get a lot of fun, watching on television as their neighbors on the planet in a panic to the boats spread out in different directions. It is worth noting some neoplasms of the Americas to the left and slightly west of Africa. Algae collected - you there!.

2. Map directly to the very Edward Casey, a man who predicted a lot of things associated with major events of the past century, including the Second World War.

All dark areas marked on the map will be flooded. Agree, this card is more optimistic, although less colorful. Again, sorry for America....

3. Map Zeta Talk. Map Zeta, we - those aliens who are present on Earth, and not only estessno, and give us any guidance through a ...

How then can you comment? . America - no comment....

So, to summarize. In any version, from the familiar to us of the atlas will be left absolutely nothing. Those who drew up the map data clearly had a grudge against America... Choose a place where you find yourself in the relative safety of quite simple, it is necessary to combine all three cards, and estimate that we will remain on the surface condition. The higher the better. If you have to have a submarine - is a wholly-owned solution to the problem, though not for long. You decide, because of time, as they say, there are not many.